Study of emotional intelligence in primary school: Scope in the area of physical education


  • AG. Sánchez Ortega
  • R. Chacón-Cuberos
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Primary Education, School-children, Physical Education


Emotional Intelligence (EI) can be considered an ability to achieve more meaningful learning, if carried out during the teaching-learning processes. This is so, since, for each situation that appears in the classroom during the teaching processes, it involves one or several emotions unleashed by those situations, and it is here that the teacher can positively and significantly reinforce the dimensions of that emotion or emotions arisen. Having emotional balance means having a good physical and mental well-being, since the healthier our emotions are, the better we will feel in different daily situations. On the other hand, performing a Physical Activity (AF) or any sport is beneficial for physical and mental well-being, since physical activity involves a series of positive emotions in the individuals who practice it. Like positive emotions, FA produces negative emotions, so we have chosen to reinforce and counteract these emotions during the practice of Physical Education (PE) in Primary Education, since the sooner these emotions are redirected, the better emotional balance and better learning is going to be achieved, and as better than to be done from the area of ​​EF, and promoted by a teacher.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Ortega, A., & Chacón-Cuberos, R. (2021). Study of emotional intelligence in primary school: Scope in the area of physical education. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 10(1), 87–93.