Football coaches training and satisfaction of young athletes


  • F.J. Ortín
  • M. Maestre
  • A. García-de-Alcaraz
Keywords: psychology, sports, football, trainer´s formation, CBAS.


The coach is one of the main figures in sports initiation continuity of the sport participation of the players. In this study an evaluation of the verbalizations of the trainer in a competition was proposed, along with a behavioral program. The purpose was to observe the behavioral changes in the trainer and examine if these would influence the satisfaction of the footballers. The verbalizations of three trainers during sixteen competition matches where taped, an adaptation of the CBAS was applied along with a self register of the trainers behaviors and a self register of the weekly targets of 3 trainers. The players of the 3 groups filled in a form that evaluated their levels of satisfaction regarding the behavior of their trainers.

Results showed a decrease in the coaches’ negative verbal behaviors, and an increase in the athletes satisfaction after the behavior training program application, no matter the level of the competition. These results highlight the need to develop training programs for coaches in order to promote the involvement of players. 


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How to Cite
Ortín, F., Maestre, M., & García-de-Alcaraz, A. (2016). Football coaches training and satisfaction of young athletes. SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences, 5(1), 11–17.