Novembergruppe: arts and politics in the Republic of Weimar

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  • Oscar Urralburu Arza
Keywords: Novembergruppe, Expressionism, Nazism, Weimar, Objetivity, New Objetivity, Neues Bauen


The November Revolution of 1918 ushered in the turbulent political phase of the Weimar Republic as well as a great cultural and artistic flourishing in Germany. In this process, which will last until the arrival of Nazism to power, a group of artists grouped under the name of the Novembergruppe will take a leading role. Without uniformity in its forms and styles, but legitimized by the previous work of its founders, which has its roots in the best of Germanic kultur and in the aesthetic programs of Die Brücke, Der Sturm and Die Aktion, it will operate as a true opening and closing device of cultural connections concentrated on uniting what the Great War had broken: art and life, aesthetics and politics, ideology and action.


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How to Cite
Urralburu Arza , O. (2022). Novembergruppe: arts and politics in the Republic of Weimar. Historical Sociology, 11(2), 493–533.
A cien años de la República de Weimar: enseñanzas de la Historia