The euphemism as a mechanism of manipulation in the written press


  • Ana Trujillo Garrido Universidad de Murcia


This work has the euphemism as object and the manipulative use that the written press makes of it. Appear the necessity to continue emphasizing this type of malicious uses of language so that society can be alert at all times to the situation. To give an account of the reality there has made a corpus of euphemisms collected from the Spanish press of the 21st century (2000 to the present). After their analysis, which has followed the methodology of analysis of discourse and critical analysis of the discourse, it has become clear that the written press makes use of euphemisms with manipulative fines (reality of reference, the referent and the individual). Moreover, not only reproduces the euphemisms that came to it from the different spheres of society, but also maintains and perpetuates them.


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How to Cite
Trujillo Garrido, A. (2019). The euphemism as a mechanism of manipulation in the written press. Journal of Linguistic Research, 21, 77–106.