Acquisition of competencies with serious games in the accounting field: an empirical analysis

Adquisición de competencias a través de juegos serios en el área contable: un análisis empírico


  • Araceli Mora University of Valencia
  • Mari Sol Calabor University of Valencia
  • Soledad Moya ESADE
Keywords: Serious games, Simulation, Digital generation, Innovation, Active learning, Higher education, Competencies


Higher Education is currently based on learning processes where students play an active role and that are focused on the development of generic and specific competencies. In this context, many authors support the use of simulations that promote this active learning and, the serious games (SG) concurs with this challenge. However, the development that would be expected of these tools due to technology and to the incoming digital natives into the classroom is not consistent with its implementation degree or with the scarce research on the subject. The objectives of this study are to describe a teaching experience based on the use of a SG in a Management Control course in higher education and assess the level of previously defined acquisition of competencies, both generic and specific, based on students’ perception. Pre and post-activity questionnaires are employed and we conclude that there are no prior technological or demographic barriers to SGs’ use. Students perceive that SGs contribute significantly to their acquisition of competencies and additional fostering of collaborative work is also observed. This research contributes to the scarce empirical research on the use and potential of SGs as effective learning tools, in particular for management education in higher education environments.


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Author Biographies

Araceli Mora, University of Valencia

Dep. Accounting, Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Mari Sol Calabor, University of Valencia

Dep. Accounting, Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Soledad Moya, ESADE

Economics, Finance and Accounting, ESADE, Barcelona, España


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How to Cite
Mora, A., Calabor, M. S., & Moya, S. (2018). Acquisition of competencies with serious games in the accounting field: an empirical analysis: Adquisición de competencias a través de juegos serios en el área contable: un análisis empírico. Revista de Contabilidad - Spanish Accounting Review, 21(1), 38–47.