Chronicle of the 1748 naval combat of Havana.


  • Francisco de Asís Amor Martín Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Havana, Spanish Armada, battle, colonialism, Royal Navy, War of Jenkins’ Ear.


On October 12th, 1748, the naval combat of Havana, which was the last action of the War of Jenkins’ Ear, took place. Despite being a colonial war between two maritime empires, this was the only naval engagement occurred in American waters. In this battle the British squadron, led by the Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Knowles, fought against the Spanish one, under Andrés Reggio’s command. Thereby, this was the only occasion in which it was possible to evaluate the efficiency of Spanish Navy after decades of naval rearmament.


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How to Cite
Amor Martín, F. de A. (2018). Chronicle of the 1748 naval combat of Havana. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (20). Retrieved from