Nicaragua at the threshold of the 21st century through oral sources.


  • Ignacio Dueñas García de Polavieja Universidad de Cádiz
Keywords: Nicaragua, FSLN, neoliberalism, poverty, oral sources.


The article aims to reflect the history of Nicaragua during the last decade of the twentieth century and much of the first part of the following one, showing, in the first place, the reasons why the Sandinistas lost power in an unexpected way, and on the other hand to analyze the appalling conditions of impoverishment and despair in which the Nicaraguan population was plunged during the unpopular and structurally corrupt management of the three neoliberal cabinets. The attempts from the Sandinistas to reverse this situation were moderated during their first year in the government after the victory in the elections of 2007.


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Author Biography

Ignacio Dueñas García de Polavieja, Universidad de Cádiz


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How to Cite
Dueñas García de Polavieja, I. (2013). Nicaragua at the threshold of the 21st century through oral sources. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (10). Retrieved from