The cannibals of Antropófagos (Brazil) in the cartography of the discoveries and the geographical myths:

the cartographic image and imaginary of the colonial Brazil.


  • Delfín Ortega Sánchez Universidad de Burgos
Keywords: Imaginary, identity, historical cartography, colonial Brazil, cannibal, Antropófagos.


The study of the image is presented capable of providing important information on the construction of the imaginary social ones, the social arrangement of the past, the conformation of national identities and, definitively, of the ways of thinking and "to be thought" the society of a given period. According to these approaches, we focus on the American colony of Portugal: Brazil. To this end, we take as an instrument of analysis the historical cartography most near its discovery and colonization; icons that, removed from the concept of illustration, are testimonies of the creation of new realities and imaginary for Europe.


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Author Biography

Delfín Ortega Sánchez, Universidad de Burgos


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How to Cite
Ortega Sánchez, D. (2013). The cannibals of Antropófagos (Brazil) in the cartography of the discoveries and the geographical myths:: the cartographic image and imaginary of the colonial Brazil. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (10). Retrieved from
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