Expansion of the frontier, public earth and conformarion of the real estate market in a space of the pampan region argentina in second half of century XIX.


  • Luis A. Tognetti CONICET – Centro de Estudios Históricos “Carlos Segreti”
Keywords: Mercado de tierras, frontera, historia agraria, historia económica.


In this article the analysis of the effects sets out that on the conformation of the land market had the expansion of the frontier and the consequent privatization of the ground, from the study of a department of the province of Cordoba, Argentina, located within the Pampan region, prior to the consolidation of the “agro-export model”. The goal pursueds with the work are the following ones: to study the main provincial policies with respect to the Earth of the frontier; to analyze the impact that had the privatization of the ground; to explain the mechanisms associated with the real estate intermediation and to review the problem of the conformation of the great property in the provincial Southeastern.


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How to Cite
Tognetti, L. A. (2010). Expansion of the frontier, public earth and conformarion of the real estate market in a space of the pampan region argentina in second half of century XIX. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (4). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/99831