Jean-Baptiste Lissarrague’s diary or the explorative possibilities of a travel book.


  • Beñat Çuburu-Ithorotz Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Keywords: Diario de viaje, emigrante, País Vasco, curtidor, Guanajuato, la travesía, línea de México.


On September 21st, 1902, Jean-Baptiste Lissarrague, a young emigrant of fifteen from Hasparren in the Basque country, and the son of a tanner, boarded on the steamboat “La Navarre” to Veracruz, Mexico. He was going to meet his uncle and two cousins, both emigrated in the 1880s in Guanajuato, and owners of a famous fabric business, “La Bufa”. He held a detailed diary about his travel adventures for his family and friends, still in Hasparren. With a humoristic and fresh touch, that teenager’s diary contains numerous information about the steamer, the conditions of the crossing, the origin of the emigrant passengers, the relationships among one another, the food on board, the ports of call and so on and so forth. After presenting the young emigrant and his family, we will analyse the content of his travel book and then develop one of the research themes he himself suggests, the transportation of emigrants on the route to Mexico.


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How to Cite
Çuburu-Ithorotz, B. (2010). Jean-Baptiste Lissarrague’s diary or the explorative possibilities of a travel book. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (4). Retrieved from