Water service provision in Mexico:

its political use in the city of Puebla, 1973-1999.


  • Enrique Guillermo Muñoz El Colegio de Tlaxcala
Keywords: Puebla ciudad, variable política, agua potable, configuración.


The fall of the avilacamachista local power, in 1973, and the disappearance of its control on the configuration of the service, reveal the political dimension of the management of the potable water in Mexico, through a process of constant reconfiguration of actors around its supply, moving between local and national scale. After the four decades of Feldmann engineers - father and son - in the municipal service, will triannually succeeds by the local university engineers, until the year of the municipal decentralization, 1983, when just an ex- Senator directs it through an ex- federal employee. A Committee of local notables replaces them in 1988, nevertheless, the local reconfiguration finishes in 1994, year in which the governor, and aspiring to the presidency of the Republic, takes the lead of the service. This act, against the constitutional text, is confirmed by most of ministers of the Supreme Court.


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How to Cite
Guillermo Muñoz, E. (2009). Water service provision in Mexico:: its political use in the city of Puebla, 1973-1999. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (3). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/74961