The Consular Archive of the Ecuador in Barcelona:

a pioneering project for the studies of the migratory phenomenon (XXth and XXIst century).


  • María E. Porras Consulado General del Ecuador en Barcelona
  • Matteo Manfredi Consulado General del Ecuador en Barcelona
Keywords: Ecuador, Consulado, Archivo, Cataluña, Barcelona, Migraciones, Fuentes, Fotografías


The General Consulate of Ecuador in Barcelona is determined to undertake a pioneer initiative/project, which targets/includes the system improvement and the technological upgrading of its consular archives. In this archives are kept valuable documents that contain very rich information, useful for the study of Ecuadorian migration to Catalonia. A successful achievement of this project will mean that this system improvement and the technological upgrading can be applied, in a second phase, in the other Ecuadorian Consulates in Spain. Finally, this project will allow every social researcher reach, to broad range of documental sources, once they will be properly restored, digitalized and classified.


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How to Cite
Porras, M. E., & Manfredi, M. (2009). The Consular Archive of the Ecuador in Barcelona:: a pioneering project for the studies of the migratory phenomenon (XXth and XXIst century). Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (2). Retrieved from
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