Immigrant associations and economic crisis. Examining the role of immigrant associations in Spain between 2008 and 2015.


Keywords: Economic crisis, immigrant associations, support networks, Spain


The economic crisis that has hit Europe, particularly Spain, since 2008 has had profound effects on society in general. Some social groups, however, have suffered more severely from the consequences of this phenomenon, with immigrants being one of the most affected. Indeed, the economic crisis has meant for immigrants not only the loss of jobs, but also serious shortages in terms of housing, uncertainty regarding their migratory situation and the dismantling of social networks in the face of the return of relatives or friends, among others. Against this backdrop, immigrant associations, as key resources of social capital, have the potential to become a space of support for the migration process, as well as for facing the challenges posed by the crisis. Thus, in the face of the weakness or absence of networks and social support networks for immigrants, associations have become a vital space for assistance in mitigating migration problems, and for making their problems visible on the public agenda. The aim of this article is to explore on the basis of interviews, surveys and secondary sources, the role played by immigrant associations in the crisis scenario between 2008 and 2015 in Spain, both in terms of support for their members and in terms of raising the visibility of the problems of this group. In conclusion, we can see a great diversity of intervention strategies of immigrant associations in multiple aspects, contributing to mitigating the effects of the crisis on this group


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How to Cite
Vásquez-González, L. . (2021). Immigrant associations and economic crisis. Examining the role of immigrant associations in Spain between 2008 and 2015. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (27).