Chile in the world

international policy in Eduardo Frei Montalva´s government (1964-1970).


Keywords: Chile, Eduardo Frei, Christian Democracy, Revolution in Liberty, United States, Latin America, reform, regional integration


In 1964, Eduardo Frei Montalva began the first Christian Democratic government in Latin America. This article analyzes the leading role in Chile´s international relations between that year, when the so-called “Revolution in Liberty” began, and 1970, when the electoral victory of Salvador Allende truncated the Christian Democracy project. During that time, the Chilean government of Eduardo Frei deployed an intense foreign relations program with the United States, the rest of the Ibero-American countries and others belonging to the socialist bloc, in addition to maintaining  an active European agenda. All this within the framework of the political guidelines that determined its program and the changing international panorama.


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How to Cite
de la Fuente Ferreras, Ángel. (2021). Chile in the world: international policy in Eduardo Frei Montalva´s government (1964-1970). Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (26).