Travel litterature and the luso american city:

alterity, culture cross and brazilian historiography, 18th-19th.


  • Amilcar Torrão Filho Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos sobre a Cidade (CIEC)
Keywords: Relatos de Viajes, Ciudades, Urbanismo, Historiografía, América Portuguesa, Alteridad


The American occupation has produced an enormous variety of briefings of travel and chronicles made by the settlers, the adventurers and the religious people, since the 15th Century. At the end of 18th Century, the European scientific interest about Portuguese America has increased. Although the Nature is the first interest of European travellers, they have also discovered the Portuguese Cities of the New World, where a more complex relation of alterity is produced than in the tropical forest. These specular images are reflected in all Brazilian historiography, not only in the content but also in the method. This article will try to recover the importance of these travel literature at the formation of this conceptual images of the Luso American City in Europe and the possible cross and interchange with the historiography.


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How to Cite
Torrão Filho, A. (2008). Travel litterature and the luso american city:: alterity, culture cross and brazilian historiography, 18th-19th. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (1). Retrieved from
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