The Atlantic and the new invention of the human spirit in American Miscellanies (1823-1826) by Andrés Bello.


  • Alvaro Kaempfer Gettysburg College
Keywords: Andrés Bello, alocución, postcolonialismo


This article focuses on the construction of postcolonial Latin America after the independence process. Then, Andrés Bello's Silvas Americanas go back to the founding grain of the West to show a decisive connection between History and Poetry to guide the creation of a new Occident in the Americas. I see that challenge as a possible path to ground the historical and political construction of an independent, occidental and postcolonial America in Silvas Americanas.


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How to Cite
Kaempfer, A. (2008). The Atlantic and the new invention of the human spirit in American Miscellanies (1823-1826) by Andrés Bello. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (1). Retrieved from