Expulsion of political opposition in Mexico by Carlos III.


  • Luis Navarro García Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Expulsión de los jesuitas, México, Virreinato de Nueva España, Reformismo, siglo XVIII


The existence of a nucleus of individuals, not of a party is exposed, that in Mexico tried to prevent the Bourbon reformist measures applied by D Jose de Gálvez, or they were pronounced hurt with them. The fact that is narrated had its beginning with the expulsion of the jesuitas and the arisen displeasure for that reason. It had two unconnected routes of expansion to each other: on the one hand the Indians of the zone of Valladolid (Yucatan) and the proletarian groups of the mining cities of Potosí and Guanajuato. The other pocket of resistance was such within virreinales official organisms: in the secretariat of the virrey, the hearing, the National Audit Office, and the house of the Currency, and in the ecclesiastical scope in the archiepiscopal town hall. The repression ended the appearance in the Court and the temporary exile of most of the implied ones.


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CALDERON QUIJANO, J. A. Los virreyes en Nueva España durante el reinado de Carlos III. Tomo I. Sevilla: EEHA, 1967.

ESQUIVEL OBREGÓN, Toribio. Biografía de Don Francisco Javier Gamboa. Ideario político jurídico de Nueva España en el siglo XVIII. México, 1911.

MARTÍN, NORNIAN E. Instrucción del virrey marqués de Croix. México, 1960, pp. 22-23.

PALACIO ATARD, Vicente: Areche y Guirior. Observaciones sobre el fracaso de una visita al Perú. Anuario de Estudios Americanos. 1946, n. 3.

RODRÍGUEZ CASADO, Vicente. La política y los políticos en el reinado de Carlos III. Madrid: Ed. Rialp, 1962.

How to Cite
Navarro García, L. (2008). Expulsion of political opposition in Mexico by Carlos III. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (1). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/43991