Of espionagem and nautical charts:

the impact of America in the Europe of the beginning of the XVI century.


  • José María Moreno Madrid Universiad Complutense de Madrid
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/nav.397331
Keywords: America, espionage, cartography, diplomacy, Portugal, Italy, Alberto Cantino


The arrival of Cristobal Columbus to America in 1492 is considered an important event that shook the foundations of the Western world. A great number of works and investigations about this topic have been focused in the arrival of Europeans to the American continent and its effect rather than on the analysis of the immediate impact of America on the Old World, especially in the field of cultural and intellectual history. This investigation will study that last theme mentioned, being its aim the analysis of the diplomatic scenarios and the collection of intelligence that arose during the XVI century in Europe as a result of the first voyage of Columbus. The historical context of these contacts is a mosaic of the main interests and intrigues of that time. We can highlight among them: obtaining of information to aid in the construction of cartographic works, the development of commercial ambitions, and the forging of alliances that inverted the balance of power.


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How to Cite
Moreno Madrid, J. M. (2019). Of espionagem and nautical charts: : the impact of America in the Europe of the beginning of the XVI century. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (23). https://doi.org/10.6018/nav.397331