A ceiba in the Rábida:

Colombin proposals of the Cuban delegate Julián Martínez Castells at the Ibero-American Exhibition of Sevilla (1929).


  • Nieves Verdugo Álvez Universidad de Huelva
Keywords: Spain, Cuba, Pan-Americanism, Hispano-Americanism, Christopher Columbus, Rábida


We intend to highlight the “Colombinas” actions that, within the framework of the Ibero-American Exposition of Seville of 1929, would be carried out by the American commissioners in this Exhibition. Among them are the efforts of Julián Martínez Castells, assistant of the commissioner of the Government of Cuba in the Exhibition, who would propose a series of cultural and twinning activities between Cuba and “Lugares Colombinos”, through the link with Sociedad Colombina Onubense of Huelva. These intentions, with a marked Hispano-Americanist character, would give rise some years later to an institution in the Cuba of the thirties of the twentieth century, The Pan-American Society, that would maintain its “Colombina” footprint.


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How to Cite
Verdugo Álvez, N. (2017). A ceiba in the Rábida:: Colombin proposals of the Cuban delegate Julián Martínez Castells at the Ibero-American Exhibition of Sevilla (1929). Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (19). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/305261