The Círculo de Trabajadores of La Habana and its replies:

the creation of working spaces at the capital outskirts.


  • Javier Colodrón Valbuena Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: Cuba, anarchism, Círculo de Trabajadores, labor movement, associationism, colonialism.


The end of the “Ten Years War” marked a turning point within the Cuban social and labor relations. Reformism, which had led the first workers’ struggles during the 1860s, turned to be ineffective in a new political-economic reality marked by the abolition of slavery and the arrival of socialist ideas from Europe, notably the anarchism. This fact made the workers have to seek new societal systems to carry out their demands. Then emerged the Círculo de Trabajadores de La Habana, an institution based on libertarian approaches that was quickly replicated in other Cuban localities outside the capital. This paper aims to explore the birth and structuring of this innovative model, as well as to analyse the real extent of its influence on other external labor entities.


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How to Cite
Colodrón Valbuena, J. (2017). The Círculo de Trabajadores of La Habana and its replies:: the creation of working spaces at the capital outskirts. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (19). Retrieved from