Vietnam in Latin America!

The Nicaraguan Revolution in the Austrian Press.


  • Laurin Blecha University of Vienna
Keywords: Nicaragua, revolution, Austrian press, Austrian-Nicaraguan relations, Cold War.


This paper analyses selected topics of the Nicaraguan Revolution in the Austrian press, namely the occupation of the National Palace in Managua in 1978, the triumph of the revolution on July 19, 1979 and the visits by two members of the conservative Austrian People’s Party in Nicaragua in 1984. For this purpose, the paper uses articles and reports of the following Austrian newspapers: the Arbeiter-Zeitung, Die Presse, Kleine Zeitung, Kurier, Neue Kronen Zeitung, Salzburger Nachrichten and the Wiener Zeitung. Given that, the objective of the paper is to show discursive strategies in the Austrian newspapers concerning the Nicaraguan Revolution. The results of this research demonstrates that in general all newspapers lacked of sophisticated own research about Nicaragua and the region. Their dependency on the global news agencies led to false reports, misinterpretations and drew an unbalanced picture of the events and policies concerning Nicaragua and Central America.


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How to Cite
Blecha, L. (2016). Vietnam in Latin America! The Nicaraguan Revolution in the Austrian Press. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (17). Retrieved from