From small islands to the vast inland:

Azorean couples in the settlement of an imperial border (Amazon, 17th century).


  • José Damião Rodrigues Universidade de Lisboa
Keywords: Portugal, empire, Brazil, Amazon, settlement, migration, settlers.


In the context of the Portuguese pluricontinental monarchy, since the sixteenth century that the inhabitants of the Atlantic islands (Madeira and the Azores) were seen more than once as an important resource of the crown with the goal of peopling and defending the borderlands of the Portuguese empire in South America, in face of the pressure and competition from other European polities. In this article, we present the general outlines of that strategy of the Portuguese monarchy in the seventeenth century, with the beginning of the implementation of a policy of transporting "couples" from the Azores in order to establish the basis of white settlement in the imperial frontier in the Amazon region (Pará and Maranhão), a process that, like the recruits, was only interrupted with the independence of Brazil in 1822.


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How to Cite
Rodrigues, J. D. (2015). From small islands to the vast inland:: Azorean couples in the settlement of an imperial border (Amazon, 17th century). Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (15). Retrieved from