Slaves and afrodescendants in Buenos Aires during the 18th century (1753-1779).


  • Carmen Benito Hierro Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Black people, afrodescendants, slavery, baptism, Buenos Aires, 18th century.


By studying coloured people baptism certificates we can see an approximate percentage of black and afrodescendant people in society. The analysis of these certificates saved at the church Inmaculada Concepción in Buenos Aires, shows that this group of people had a great presence in the city. Thanks to the high rate of slavery among black people and the low rate of this condition among mulattos we can observe how the whitening of this sector of the population causes the escape of slaves in some cases. This would mean a rise within the society. This can be proved by the interracial marriages shown in the baptism certificates. Nevertheless, the illegitimacy rates among black people are going to be the highest ones since the mothers of this ethnic group are the ones that appear in the documents as single mothers.



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How to Cite
Benito Hierro, C. (2015). Slaves and afrodescendants in Buenos Aires during the 18th century (1753-1779). Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (15). Retrieved from