Negociations of identity and territoriality in Western Brasilian Amazon.


  • Valéria de Oliveira Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia
Keywords: Amazon, Rondônia, migration process, identity, territoriality


The implementation of government projects of agricultural settlement in 1970 that triggered an intense migratory flow towards the Brazilian Amazon, more specifically towards Rondônia. Immigrating implies being and not being completely uproot and seek a new rooting, build a new territoriality. In Rondônia emptiness of references generated by the migratory process, led to a search for the construction of a new territoriality, based on the references of places lived and attempted transformation of physical space in a place similar to what was left. It was also found that occurred during a negotiation of identity between the native and those that migrated through the construction of collective identifications which acted as amalgam to start new possibilities among the population over 40 years jumped to over 111.000 inhabitants the 1.2000.000.


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How to Cite
de Oliveira, V. (2014). Negociations of identity and territoriality in Western Brasilian Amazon. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (13). Retrieved from