Prices of land in a province of Argentina.

Córdoba 1820-1855.


  • Ana Inés Ferreyra Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Keywords: Earth, rural, prices, payments, Córdoba, Argentina


The time frame of this work takes place during provincial autonomy, period marked by the lack of a central or national power. In this period the Córdoba province went through many years of strong instability, with different political alliances. One of the most significant consequences of this situation was the insecurity in this area, the social order was imposed disregarding the guarantees established by law and therefore there were confiscations of property, values ​​and political persecution that created a situation of general uncertainty. This state of affairs pushed away investments because of the high risk they were exposed to. The rate of public land sales in the campaign was significantly lower than that of vacant sites or ejidos in the peri - urban area and the sale of land between individuals. The sales movement of public land that took place in Córdoba was reduced in contrast to the significantly larger movement that took place in other areas of the country especially in Buenos Aires, where the livestock expansion demanded new areas. However, this movement represented frequently a substantial business for private owners who took advantage of their proximity to the political power to buy large tracts of public land at depressed prices and then sell them, already divided, at current market prices.

On the other hand the movement of land among particulars took place usually in the spaces of ancient settlement - central, north and west – and was considerably more active than the movement or transfer of public lands, following the growing of the population. Although there was some movement due to linking relationship, the greater movement between buyers and sellers came from people trading the land for other reasons like investment, while prices depended on the conditions of the land and the interaction between supply and demand.

Our main objective is to analyze the land prices in rural areas, focusing whenever possible on the impact that political conflicts, economic crises, and the grades of quality and security associated with the offered tracts.


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How to Cite
Ferreyra, A. I. (2014). Prices of land in a province of Argentina.: Córdoba 1820-1855. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (13). Retrieved from