The I.C.E.M. and the Italian emigration in Latin America.

The specialized workers in Patagonia (1952-1960).


  • Eugenia Scarzanella Universidad de Boloña
Keywords: I.C.E.M., emigration, Latin America, Italians, Patagonia, oil fields


The Intergovernamental Committe for European Migration (I.C.E.M.) was created en 1952 to finance and attend the migration overseas of European workers, in order to solve the problem of unemployement and to reduce the social tensions. The rapid recovery of the european economy limited the number of potencial migrants. The italians in particular were not attracted to countries like Argentina y Brasil were the living conditions were not judged satisfactory. They decided to emigrate temporary, only to spare money and return to their home country.This is the case of the workers that went to Patagonia to work in minig industry and oil fields.


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How to Cite
Scarzanella, E. (2014). The I.C.E.M. and the Italian emigration in Latin America.: The specialized workers in Patagonia (1952-1960). Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (13). Retrieved from