
a guerrilla in dictatorship. Brazil 1970-1975.


  • Cléria Botêlho da Costa Universidade de Brasília
Keywords: Guerrilla, Araguaia, Brazil, dictatorship, women, sensitivity.


In this article, I establish a dialogue with Dinalva Oliveira Teixeira, a member of coping with resistance to the Brazilian military dictatorship known as Araguaia guerrilla movement that fought for the establishment of a socialist utopia in Brazil. The traces left by Dina led us to the argument that the biography seeks to understand the meanings that humans assign their existence in the world of life, thus she relates the individual and the social. Dinalva Teixeira de Oliveira was geologist and during the guerrilla became midwife, teacher, owner of a tobacco shop, occupations related with the locals which provided a new appropriation of the culture of the region where he lived, his interaction with others, with society. He excelled in the confrontation as eximia shooter, fast, fearless but without losing the feminine sensibility.


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How to Cite
Botêlho da Costa, C. (2013). Dina:: a guerrilla in dictatorship. Brazil 1970-1975. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (11). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/183691