The art of defamation:

disputes within the élite in the province of Tucumán during the 1820s.


  • Facundo Nanni Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Keywords: Tucumán, 19th century, caudillism, defamation, legitimation, factions.


The aim of this article is to investigate mechanism of legitimation implemented by those who assumed the governorship of the province of Tucumán after triumphing at junctions between different armed local factions, in which participated also the neighboured provinces. The possibility of a reunion of opposed forces, and the need to justify the violent origin of their power, led to the governors of that period to generate an official speech in which the opposed opinions and factions were described as a threat to stability. Thus, using spaces as the press, that would be inaugurated recently in this decade, the leaders sealed a rhetoric aimed at defaming leaders of opposing factions and publicly denounced any attempts of sedition.


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Author Biography

Facundo Nanni, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


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How to Cite
Nanni, F. (2013). The art of defamation:: disputes within the élite in the province of Tucumán during the 1820s. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (11). Retrieved from