The question of democracy in the discourses and practices of the Uruguayan communists, from the origins of the PCU to the Frente Amplio Government.


  • Ana Laura de Giorgi Instituto de Ciencia Política, Universidad de La República
  • Adolfo Garcé Instituto de Ciencia Política, Universidad de La República
  • Federico Lanza Instituto de Ciencia Política, Universidad de La República
Keywords: Democracy, discourse, practices, ideology, Communist Party, Uruguay.


Since its founding in the twenties until now, PCU was changing its assessment of democracy. To analyze this process we handle two tools. In the temporal dimension, we distinguish three different periods separated for a triggering event: the establishment of the dictatorship separates the first from the second; the collapse of socialism, the second from the third. In the conceptual dimension, we discuss the relationship between practices and theories. Between theory and practice there is a very complex relationship. On one hand, as in any Leninist party, theory guided practice. On the other hand, practices influenced the theory, boosting ideological changes. Democracy's vision of the Communists went from initial suspicion to an instrumental approach. Both, the experience of dictatorship and Perestroika, determined deep changes which were partially reversed after the demise of the CPSU and the USSR.


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Author Biographies

Ana Laura de Giorgi, Instituto de Ciencia Política, Universidad de La República

Adolfo Garcé, Instituto de Ciencia Política, Universidad de La República

Federico Lanza, Instituto de Ciencia Política, Universidad de La República


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How to Cite
de Giorgi, A. L., Garcé, A., & Lanza, F. (2012). The question of democracy in the discourses and practices of the Uruguayan communists, from the origins of the PCU to the Frente Amplio Government. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (9). Retrieved from