Solidarity networks and parallel diplomacy in the FMLN.

An approach to European sources and archives.


  • Eudald Cortina Orero Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: Archives, sources, El Salvador, FMLN, solidarity networks, parallel diplomacy.


This article intends to give an overview of the main European archives, according the relevance they offer to the study of the Salvadoran conflict. The article analyzes the content of funds and collections offered by these centers, proposing a classification of the sources available, depending on their type and characteristics. Furthermore, the author states the relevance of these files and sources to open new lines of research on the Salvadoran civil war and to deepen in the existent. Specially in the area related to the international dimension of the conflict and the creation and activity of solidarity networks with the FMLN and the Salvadoran people.


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Author Biography

Eudald Cortina Orero, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


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How to Cite
Cortina Orero, E. (2012). Solidarity networks and parallel diplomacy in the FMLN.: An approach to European sources and archives. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (9). Retrieved from
Latinamerican Documentation