The conspiracy of rats.

The construction of the political enemy in Mexico, 1970-1980.


  • Camilo Vicente Ovalle Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Political enemy, political violence, political discourse, enforced disappearances, México, guerrillas.


One of the elements of any political repression, particularly that which concludes with the elimination, is the construction of a subject as social negativity therefore eliminable, these subjects were placed in the public domain under the category of political enemy. The main issue in this paper is to make explicit the link between constituent specific practices of state violence, and the discourses that are produced, and that determine these same practices. In the case of Mexico, during the 1970s and 1980s were applied annihilation strategies against those defined as political enemies, although studies of this period have been increasing, it has put aside the debate on the construction of the enemy. This paper seeks to explain it.


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Author Biography

Camilo Vicente Ovalle, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


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How to Cite
Vicente Ovalle, C. (2012). The conspiracy of rats.: The construction of the political enemy in Mexico, 1970-1980. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (9). Retrieved from
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