The contemporary Latin America revolutionary wave, 1959-1996.

Definition, characterization and some clues for analysis.


  • Alberto Martín Álvarez Instituto de Investigaciones Doctor José María Luis Mora
  • Eduardo Rey Tristán Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: Revolutionary wave, revolutionary movements, generational politics, Latin America 1959–1996.


The renewal of the studies about the revolutionary mobilizations in Latin America, for various reasons, has gained new momentum in the last decade, as well as for other reasons so has the literature on political violence in general, and particularly on international terrorism, especially by Anglo–Saxon scholars. These have made theoretical and methodological contributions of singular importance, although they have lived with their backs to the experiences of Latin American mobilization and violence. The former, in contrast, rarely have made use of these tools in their research. In this work we try to overcome some of these limitations in reflecting on the nature of the revolutionary wave that developed in Latin America since 1959, focusing its definition and characterization from key international references of the international literature in recent years; reassessing periodizations set for it with the aim of setting criteria that overcome the limitations of those used to the present, and reflecting on some of these theoretical contributions of particular interest to the issue at hand, such as the generational politics approach, and the contentious politics approach. With this we hope to contribute to the definition and characterization of the wave of revolutionary mobilization in Latin America since 1959, as well as show some clues for analysis that we consider relevant for future research.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Martín Álvarez, Instituto de Investigaciones Doctor José María Luis Mora

Eduardo Rey Tristán, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


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How to Cite
Martín Álvarez, A., & Rey Tristán, E. (2012). The contemporary Latin America revolutionary wave, 1959-1996.: Definition, characterization and some clues for analysis. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (9). Retrieved from