Oral history of the Nicaraguan resistance to the somocismo:

Ernesto Cardenal ´s project in Solentiname as the paradigm of the liberation.


  • Ignacio Dueñas García de Polavieja Universidad de Cádiz
Keywords: Ernesto Cardenal, Solentiname Community (Nicaragua), Liberation Theology as a resistance before Anastasio Somoza’s dictatorship.


In the following article we intend to raise the vital and spiritual process of Ernesto Cardenal which finishes with the foundation of the Solentiname commune. Likewise we present its development and its national and international proyection during its eleven years of existence (1966-1977), focusing mainly in its evolution from its monastic aspect to the secular and from the spiritual to the social and political so it ends up integrated in the FSLN (Sandinista National Liberation Front) insurrectionary process, due to its communitary and consciousness-raising dimension coming from the very daily life.


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Author Biography

Ignacio Dueñas García de Polavieja, Universidad de Cádiz


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How to Cite
Dueñas García de Polavieja, I. (2012). Oral history of the Nicaraguan resistance to the somocismo:: Ernesto Cardenal ´s project in Solentiname as the paradigm of the liberation. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (8). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/150111