Santa Apolonia Teacalco (Tlaxcala, Mexico):

a village to the conquest of the capital in times of revolution.


  • Evelyne Sánchez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Keywords: Mexican revolution, communities, family, local elections, ayuntamiento, agrarian movement.


This article aims to understand the local social and political processes favored a region and a population, geographically and socially out great revolutionary movements, are involved in the Mexican Revolution. Specifically, the revolution opened a space for opportunity to conquer the municipal power of its cabecera families of Santa Apolonia Teacalco. Previously organized and politically positioned outside of his municipality, three families and individuals began to get local charges to the extent of take control of Ayuntamiento. Individuals better reported case. Through local electoral processes and through several strategies alliances, they managed to take control of the municipal power until these changes would affect the balance of these families in the village.


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Author Biography

Evelyne Sánchez, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


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How to Cite
Sánchez, E. (2012). Santa Apolonia Teacalco (Tlaxcala, Mexico):: a village to the conquest of the capital in times of revolution. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (8). Retrieved from