The construction of hybrid identities strategic geopolitical in territory:

the case of the border are missionary Saint Borja (Brasil) / Saint Tomé (Argentina).


  • Muriel Pinto Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (Brasil)
Keywords: Frontier Saint Borja - Saint Tomé, Geopolitics missionary, changing identities, heritage, cultural symbolism.


The border missionary São Borja - Santo Tomé since the process of territorial formation of its twin cities in the period of the Missions Jesuitic Guarani (century. XVIII) until today, demonstrates to posses geographic characteristics that allows a geopolitical prominence in the southern part of South America. This space eventually contributed to that territory was chosen as geopolitically strategic area for the past four centuries to the formation of Jesuit Guarani Reductions, carrying offensive of the war in Paraguay and as an interface and implementation of socioeconomic relations in Mercosur. This study it was objectified in carrying through in a geo-strategic interpretation of the bordering territory of Saint Borja - Brazil / Saint Tomé - Argentina during centuries XVIII and XX, focused an analysis of as this space constructed its identities and materialized its historical and cultural heritage.


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How to Cite
Pinto, M. (2011). The construction of hybrid identities strategic geopolitical in territory:: the case of the border are missionary Saint Borja (Brasil) / Saint Tomé (Argentina). Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (6). Retrieved from
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