From a commercial strike to the demands of municipal autonomy.

The launch of the “Liga del Sur” from the pages of the newspaper “La Capital” of Rosario, Argentina (1909).


  • Ronen Man Universidad Nacional del Rosario
Keywords: Argentine, Rosario, Twentieth Century, press, public sphere, municipal autonomy, Liga del Sur.


In this paper we study to prove how a political actor constituted on the margins of the central power, that is located in the capital of Santa Fe, manages to form itself as a new political force, which establishes itself as the opposite of the official traditional politics and represents the economic power centers and the agro-exporters interests settle in the south of Santa Fe, with an strong base in the city of Rosario. We are specifically analyzing through a thick description, how the Liga del Sur is represented by the local press, in particular by the newspaper La Capital of Rosario, as a model of a new party which is necessary for the political future that the region will go through and how it will be transformed into the “natural political heir” of a civic and social movement that have actually arisen in opposition to the traditional shapes of politics at that moment.


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How to Cite
Man, R. (2011). From a commercial strike to the demands of municipal autonomy.: The launch of the “Liga del Sur” from the pages of the newspaper “La Capital” of Rosario, Argentina (1909). Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (6). Retrieved from
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