Oligarchic rulers groups of Argentina before the democratization of the political system.

The case of Córdoba between 1912 and 1930.


  • Javier Moyano Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Keywords: Democratization, oligarchic regime, ruling groups, electoral reform, parties, Córdoba.


Discuss, first, the position occupied in the structure of power, by the political forces in the province of Córdoba met the former rulers of oligarchic groups, in the scenario derived from Argentinian electoral reform of 1912. This includes consideration of the creation of new party groupings; of resources that these parties had to face the power struggles; the margin of play that allowed the availability of resources; and the consequences of the above factors when defining the location of each political force in the power structure. Secondly, look at changes that led to electoral reform for the maps of power within party groups. Who and how defined within the political forces, are central questions to address this issue.


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Author Biography

Javier Moyano, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



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How to Cite
Moyano, J. (2011). Oligarchic rulers groups of Argentina before the democratization of the political system.: The case of Córdoba between 1912 and 1930. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (6). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/navegamerica/article/view/124361