Nature and culture in psychoanalysis and in ecological ideas:

two perspectives on dissatisfaction with the civilization.


  • Isabel Cristina de Moura Carvalho Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
Keywords: Psychoanalysis, ecology, romanticism, modernity, tragic view, utopia.


This paper presents the ecological thinking and psychoanalysis as legitimate heirs of modernity, inspired by the romantic tradition, with a world view marked by the opposition between nature and culture. Psychoanalysis and ecological thinking take the road counter hegemonic in modernity. Question the supremacy of objectifying reason, but without breaking with the modern epistemic environment, despite attempts at a holistic understanding of life on the part of environmentalism and the advent of the unconscious against the omnipotence of reason, in psychoanalysis. The ideas of psychoanalysis and ecological thinking as well-being, happiness and healing the ills of civilization will be hard seeking in a world perceived as corrupt and degraded. In this sense, the ecological and the psychoanalytic self could be considered as spokespersons for a romantic vision about the human condition and its dilemmas. However, even with this common horizon, ecological and psychoanalytic also hold key differences, mostly related the tragic vision of psychoanalysis and the utopian view of ecological thinking.


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How to Cite
Carvalho, I. C. de M. (2010). Nature and culture in psychoanalysis and in ecological ideas:: two perspectives on dissatisfaction with the civilization. Naveg@merica. Electronic magazine edited by the Spanish Association of Americanists., (5). Retrieved from