What is a classic?

Two ghostly hapax in Ennodius (dict. 9 and epist. 9.34)


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/myrtia.588461
Keywords: Ennodius, Arator, Avienus, classicus, high class


Two examples of classicus with the meaning of ‘student’ (dict. 9 = 85 Vogel) and one example of classicum with the meaning of ‘social class’ (epist. 9.34 = 463 Vogel) have been recognised in Ennodius’ work. In fact, in the three cases it is a masculine noun, classicus, to be interpreted as ‘member of the high social class’ in a manner consistent with the socio-political use of the term as witnessed in a famous passage by Aulus Gellius (6.13).


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How to Cite
Raschieri, A. A. . (2023). What is a classic? : Two ghostly hapax in Ennodius (dict. 9 and epist. 9.34). Myrtia, 38. https://doi.org/10.6018/myrtia.588461