Maritime images in the dialogue On the priesthood by John Chrysostom: their use in isolation or in a medical context

su empleo aislado o en contexto médico


Keywords: John Chrysostom, On the priesthood, maritime images, ancient medicine

Supporting Agencies

  • Proyecto Santander / UCM (PR 44/21-29906)


In the present paper the author has analyzed the images related to the sea that can be found in the dialogue On the priesthood by John Chrysostom. These images especially emphasize the negative and dangerous aspects of the sea. In addition, these similes are often interwoven with others of medical content, a subject that deeply interested the Greek writer.



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How to Cite
Ángel y Espinós, J. (2023). Maritime images in the dialogue On the priesthood by John Chrysostom: their use in isolation or in a medical context: su empleo aislado o en contexto médico. Myrtia, 38.