Manuel Philes (chap. III, carmen 26 MILLER): exegesis of a cultured scoptic aggression


  • Marco Carrozza Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Manuel Philes, Byzantine scoptic poetry, Christian invective, polysemic overlapping


This article aims to examine the content and structural junctions of a Byzantine scoptic poem composed by Manuel Philes (cap. III, carmen 26 Miller). The analysis will focus in particular on the ways and forms of an invective rich in implicit references and polysemic overlaps, in an attempt to grasp the guidelines of a degradation of the adversary that is often affected by contemporary Christian culture.


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How to Cite
Carrozza, M. (2022). Manuel Philes (chap. III, carmen 26 MILLER): exegesis of a cultured scoptic aggression. Myrtia, 37, 155–160.