Cannibalism in Latin-Greek literary sources: its references in historiography


  • Domingo F. Sanz Dpto. de Clásicas. I.E.S. El Sur. Lepe, Huelva (España)
Keywords: Cannibalism, Latin-Greek literature, historiography, Salustius, Herodotus

Supporting Agencies

  • Este artículo se ha realizado con el apoyo del grupo de investigación «Nicolaus Heinsius» (HUM 261) de la Universidad de Huelva.


This article, a continuation of the previous one, tries to analyze and comment an important number of references regarding the phenomenon of cannibalism that exists in Greek and Latin literary tradition. In this case, the main focus will be on historiographical sources. The results of the analysis will show how they serve to illustrate the modern studies on this phenomenon.


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How to Cite
F. Sanz, D. (2019). Cannibalism in Latin-Greek literary sources: its references in historiography. Myrtia, 33, 199–234. Retrieved from