A Latin Letter from Dean Martí Misunderstood


  • José F. Ortega Castejón
Keywords: fandango, dean of Alicante, Manuel Martí, epistolary literature, travel books, Jean François Peyron, Charles Davillier


Manuel Martí, dean of Alicante (Spain), describes in a missive written at the beginning of the 18th century a dance that he sees in Cadiz. In spite of the fact that the term "fandango" is not mentioned explicitly, this text is considered to be one of the earliest testimonies kept on this dance. We provide some information that helps understand how scholars have jumped to that conclusion which is doubtful, from our point of view.


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How to Cite
Ortega Castejón J. F. (2014). A Latin Letter from Dean Martí Misunderstood. Myrtia, 29, 301–314. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/myrtia/article/view/217231