A New, Unpublished Hymn to Saint Isidore by Licenciado Francisco Pacheco


  • Luis Charlo Brea
  • Bartolomé Pozuelo Calero
Keywords: Licenciado Francisco Pacheco, Saint Isidore, Latin Renaissance lyric, Seville in the 16th century


A new discovered and previously unpublished hymn to Saint Isidorus by Licenciado Francisco Pacheco. Licenciado Francisco Pacheco (1535-1599) wrote nine hymns (three to Saint Isidorus in saphic strophes, three to Saint Hermenegildus using the same meter and three to Saint Iusta and Saint Rufina in iambic dimeters) for the Sevillian saints’ Breviary (Officia propria Sanctorum Hispalen. Ecclesiae, Salamanca, 1591). However, a copy of a new hymn to Isidorus, in iambic dimeters, was preserved among Pacheco’s posthumous papers (BRAH, ms. 9-2563). In this paper we offer the first critical edition and annotated Spanish translation as well as a study of its form and content. We conclude by reflecting on the possible reasons for the choice of those hymns finally included in the Breviary.


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How to Cite
Charlo Brea, L., & Pozuelo Calero, B. (2013). A New, Unpublished Hymn to Saint Isidore by Licenciado Francisco Pacheco. Myrtia, 28, 295–310. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/myrtia/article/view/188021