An anachronism illustrated in the 19th century in Spain: Litterarum Latinarum institutiones (1852) by Alfredo Adolfo Camús


  • Francisco García Jurado
Keywords: Latin language, Nineteenth-Century, Paganism, Cultural history, Alfredo Adolfo Camús


In 1852, Alfredo Adolfo Camús published his Litterarum Latinarum Institutiones, which deserved a very praising review of his friend and colleague Amador de los Ríos. This work, recently rediscovered, brings back the 18th century conceptions of the Historia critica Latinae linguae by G. Walchius and takes up Latin as the metalanguage of philology. This academic anachronism keeps alive the dream of restoring Latinity in a new educational context which will separate the knowledge of the classical world from the learning of classical languages. Apart from this, Camús’ work may also hide a political and religious intention, considering that the decade of the 1850’s was determined by an education controversy with neo-catholic trends blaming classical writers for the evils of modern society.


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How to Cite
García Jurado, F. (2012). An anachronism illustrated in the 19th century in Spain: Litterarum Latinarum institutiones (1852) by Alfredo Adolfo Camús. Myrtia, 27, 313–344. Retrieved from