Visual alphabets in artificial memory. From Ordo Locorum to Memoria Verborum


  • Juan José Morcillo Romero
Keywords: rhetoric, art of memory, visual alphabets, ordo locorum, images


The connection between the writing process and the art of memory owes its origin to the rhetorical works of Cicero, Quintilian and the author of Rhetoric Herennius. From this first analogy, this art is gradually provided with all the elements and tools used for writing, hence the creation of visual alphabets emulating traditional alphabets in mnemonics. However, alphabets’ use for the art of memory will not be restricted to writing in images, but it will have an important application for the ordo locorum.


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How to Cite
Morcillo Romero, J. J. (2012). Visual alphabets in artificial memory. From Ordo Locorum to Memoria Verborum. Myrtia, 27, 73–88. Retrieved from