Loans and innovation in Greek literature: epic, lyric poetry and drama


  • Francisco R. Andrados
Keywords: Homer, Hesiod, Near East literature, Greek lyric poetry, Greek drama


It has become fashionable to insist on loans taken by Homer and Hesiod from the Near East literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the hurrian Kingship in Heaven, etc. This fact is known since the sixties, and it is fairly common to forget the significant progress facilitated by them: they bring forward individualist literature, which is Greece’s hallmark. Something similar occurs with lyric poetry, ritual in the East, new and individual in Greece. Most importantly, Greece created drama from imitative choral lyric poetry.


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How to Cite
Andrados, F. R. (2012). Loans and innovation in Greek literature: epic, lyric poetry and drama. Myrtia, 27, 13–28. Retrieved from