<em>Ipsitilla</em> y sus otras lecturas: revisión de un <em>hapax</em> en el libro de Catulo (32.1)


  • Leonor E. Molero Alcaraz
Keywords: Catullus, Ipsitilla, poetry, interpretation


The name that closes the first line of Catullus’ Poem 32 has always aroused different readings and interpretations, because this word, due to the own difficulty of its meaning, has been corruptly transmitted in the codices, and, as well, interpreted in several ways and transcribed into various forms from the first editions of the text. In this paper the authoress makes a review of the question, taking the previous studies into consideration, in order to analyze the problem of a Latin hapax, which is involved with many textual, linguistic and literary aspects, giving as a result some complementary proposals.


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How to Cite
Molero Alcaraz, L. E. (2009). <em>Ipsitilla</em> y sus otras lecturas: revisión de un <em>hapax</em> en el libro de Catulo (32.1). Myrtia, 24, 165–189. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/myrtia/article/view/114741