A sensory analysis of the Frankfurt Council of the year 794
In the discussions of the Frankfurt Council of 794 some elements of the material culture which are essential for the knowledge and understanding of early medieval Christianity can be traced, both in terms of liturgical and devotional objects and of daily life (reliquaries, altars, crosses). This allows us to reconstruct "the sensible matter" of those times and the thoughts lodged between the lines of what is written, from the "sensorial marks" and "emotional marks" that reveal and shape the sensory model of an era. With these notions we can recognize the visual, aural, olfactory, gustatory, tactile and emotional marks present in the texts, which identify the perceptions that hold a special significance for the sensory plot of a culture and that allow us to speak of the existence of a Carolingian sensory and emotional community, elaborated, recognized and felt between the middle of the 8th century and the end of the 9th century.
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