El contrato de obra como fuente de estudio: las carnicerías del Conde Santo en Morón de la Frontera (1551)


  • José María Martín Humanes
Keywords: Works contract, butcheries, Morón de la Frontera, Count of Santo, developer, contractor, master mason


Works contracts are a cornerstone for a proper understanding of the History of construction. Although
scarce, works contracts possess a wealth of information, and that is why documents of this type have
become an object of desire for many specialists interested in this emerging line of research. This work
presents an approach to an excellent copy of one of these documents, dated from the mid-sixteenth
century in Morón de la Frontera. This document was drawn up on the occasion of the construction
of the butcheries of the 4 th Count of Ureña in the village of Morón. Far from any conceptual or
methodological pretension, this paper is of an informative nature, and aims to put the document in
context and thus provide the reader with its correct comprehension.


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How to Cite
Martín Humanes, J. M. (2017). El contrato de obra como fuente de estudio: las carnicerías del Conde Santo en Morón de la Frontera (1551). Medievalism, (26), 155–177. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/medievalismo/article/view/279581